The Role of Fencing in Creating a Safe and Secure Playground Environment

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When it comes to protecting your children, no detail goes overlooked. Every parent wants their children to have fun in a safe environment. The right fence goes a long way in protecting your children and keeping them secure in playgrounds. We’ve taken into consideration all the different types of fencing and offer our top two considerations for what we think is most important when considering a fence for a playground.


The first consideration is the security of the playground. You want a fence that can connect to a solid gate and is high enough so objects can’t fly out and then be chased after by kids. A good fence should also be high enough to prevent stray objects from flying in and protect from certain elements like wind and dust/sand.


Any safe playground should have a fence that is high enough to protect kids as well as prevent them from being able to climb out. Vinyl fencing is excellent for this as it’s much harder to climb up and doesn’t have splinters or metal protrusions that could hurt a child. Many people don’t realize that a wood fence or metal fence requires consistent maintenance, or both can develop sharp edges that can be harmful.


Choosing the right fence for a children’s playground is as important as choosing the equipment itself. The same care and attention to the security and protection of the fence should be paid when choosing a swing set or slide. Make sure you research to find the right fence installation company, many of whom offer consultation services for you to find the right fence.